Organic Food and Benefits

Organic farming is the production of food without the use of synthetic chemicals or genetically modified components. Organic foods are not necessarily completely chemical free, but the pesticide residues will be considerably lower than those found in produce manufactured with synthetic chemicals.

Cereals have been a cornerstone of human meals. They provide us with massive amounts of nutrients which are just perfect to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle. have become a great popularity among all members of the family since everyone likes to have a healthy lifestyle. Organic cereals have a great amount of properties to them as well

High source of energy

Organic cereals are able to provide almost 30% of the total calories needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Organic cereals have started to become the most widely consumed caloric food in the world. Organic cereals also do not cost so much compared to fruits and meat so developing countries tend to rely on them for their daily intake of calories.

High mineral content

In organic cereals, there tends to be a very amount of magnesium, potassium and calcium available. All of which are mandatory for maintaining a perfect functioning body. The sulfates and phosphates of these minerals cover 95% of the total nutrient value in organic cereals. The phylates present in the minerals considerably reduce the activity of iron absorption in the body. Organic cereals tend to have a larger supply of phytates as compared to inorganic cereals. Organic cereals also tend to contain average quantities of zinc, copper, and manganese. Cereals do not generally contain a lot of calcium and iron with the exception of Ragi which contains adequate quantities of both.  Organic cereals like Ragi and millets tends to have a very high amount of fiber and mineral content

Organic Honey

  • Boosts energy
  • Antiaging
  • Anti-cancer
  • Weight loss
  • Health Benefits Of Natural Honey
  • Promotes healthy, glowing skin
  • Relieves morning sickness
  • Good remedy for diabetes

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